10 July 2013

Back From The Death

Hey hey hey... I'm back. Sorry I never post a new posting for a while. that's because I'm very busy lately because I'm in 9 grade now so I have to focus to my study. And have many test lately.  But now I'm back and will post a fashion tips just wait for it !

05 June 2013

Dear Diary,

When I'm around the examination a lot thing I kept it in my heart... But now I'm gonna spit it out...
So, when I'm had the exam, half of my class move with the junior...  And I sat with a junior boy that very tall like a Sauroposeison, for your information that is the tallest dino.. But that's no what I'm exciting about. Every examination my crush since 7th grade named "blalala"  is sat behind me. He has that cute little wrinkle when he laugh. At first I'm not really like him it just for kidding but now I think I'm falling in love with. Don't tell anyone about okay ;)

03 June 2013

Something about NEW Me!!!

So, in the last post I said there's a surprise "in the next post" right? And this is the next post... The surprise is about me... And here come the surprise.... I'M HIJABER NOW!!!!!!!! why?! Because last month my grandpa past away... And then I went to Java... And in the way back home my mother did a hijab shopping and I was very exciting, and then me and my mom made a promise to wear hijab after my mother's birthday... And now here we are.. So started form now I'm gonna post "HIJAB Fashion tip".. I'm still gonna post non-hijab style using the "Polyvore" and the hijab style will be presented by me !!!!!

02 June 2013

I'm Back!!

Hey hey hey hey and hey 100 times more.... I'm Back for a long time. I'm so sorry I'm not posting for a long time, that's because a had "THE LAST EXAM" before summer holiday, I just finished it last saturday. Don't worry, now I'm here for you all and I got a surprise for you all in the next post!!! It's gonna be exciting!!!!1

14 April 2013


When I was in Java, I did some fashion photo shoot in the railway because there's no railway in Bali so check it out !
 Model : Nadya Yasmin Dicky

Tonight I'm Getting Offer HIM!!!

HEY..... Remember my mega ultra bla bla la crush ? Ya, he's not my crush anymore... He's too self confidence. I hate that kind of guy. So, bye bye boy.......

04 April 2013

I'm a life

Hey hey hey... Hello everyone... I'm sorry I never post a new entry lately. Because, I just have some mid test after that I got a holiday so I went to Java and unfortunately forgot bring my lovely pink laptop. So, I can't write any new post last month, and with apologetically I'm so sorry. And I have a bolt from the blue for you. In next post or in after the next post, I will post some new fashion picture that I took in Java. Thank you xoxo

10 March 2013

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to me!!!!!!!!!! Yay to the me, Yay me!!!! It's my birthday!!!! yay me yay me yay me. Okay stop. I'm gonna stop do over excited thing. But it's so excited!!!! Okay I'm gonna stop now I mean it! So, from today I'm gonna in Adult zone. Because now I'm 13 years old!!! So, if I bought airplane ticket it's gonna be adult airplane ticket!! But sadly from now on I can't enter kids play zone. Damn, I love that zone. And because it's my birthday... I made this fashion mix and match dress. In this picture there's three different dress. There's cute chic dress (blue pink with ribbon dress), there's BAM!! dress (pink dress), and there's elegant dress (blue hi-lo dress). So it's up to you wich one you wanna wear.!!! And by the way I didn't get any present. I'm out of here.

16 February 2013

JUST Friend or The CRUSH ?

Still remember Mr.WOW and Mr.Humble ? no? read my last post if you forget :)  So, since Mr.WOW show up, Mr.Humble never do tennis practice anymore. One day Mr.Humble came to the practice, but in that day Mr.WOW didn't come. It's like if Mr.WOW come Mr.Humble not, and the opposite. Well, if I have to choose, I'm gonna choose Mr.Humble because his a friend that I can talk to and beside that, his gonna be the main character, in "bestfriend love bestfriend" part. How about Mr.WOW ? Let's see... hmmm our longest conversation is about 10 second :)

06 February 2013

My New Extra Mega Ultra Combo Sexy Crush

Did I ever told you about my new crush ? no? okay. So, I got a crush on somebody he's so really extra mega ultra alpha combo fucking HOT !! Let's call him Mr.WOW because he is extremely wow. I met him in my tennis club, He got muscle in his hand and feet so damn SEXY ! But, Y there's always but in this crush conversation? So get back to but not butt, BUT ! He's got a girlfriend aarrgghh so suck! Y can I just point at someone, said his mine, and then every girl back off. In my tennis club I have my own gang the members are me, my brother, and my brother's friend (call him Mr. Humble). Every tennis practice we always hanging out together, I really rare do a girl talk there, wait the minute I even never do a girl talk there. We made the gang very long time ago before The Mr.WOW came. And then one day Mr. WOW came with his mohawk hair, after that I kind a know his face from somewhere, I tried to remembered and the YEEEESS I know !! his my senior I ever fight with his and I mean the real fight you know punch kick and everything. Mr. Humble was greeted Mr. WOW, he know him?  But I can saw in their eyes that they didn't like each other, at first I just assume Mr. WOW as somebody that I know. And then things start change when he smile at me, my heart just skips a beat very fast when I his eyes that sparkling like a glitter, his white and nice teeth, his warm sexy smile EXTRA COMBO WOW ! I crush him stay back girl his mine. In that time I didn't know that he has a girlfriend. It turns out our gym class in our school is on the same time, and then I asked his name to my friend after that one of my friend said that he has a girlfriend turns out his girlfriend is one of my nice friend Y Y Y?! She's so cute she got long eyelashes  Damn it I'm so jealous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

30 January 2013

New year came, Old people gone

It's 2013. Am I ever told you about my two angel that sent from God? well I'm gonna tell you now. Two angel from god is my BHEAF you can read it best hapily ever after friend, but now they're gone. We're busy with our own business. The first angel is my best fried since I'm in 5th grade, We became best friend because my boyfried Robert Pattison lol just kidding, She's adore Robert and then I talk to her "I do know him, his the one who seriously handsome in Twilight saga!!" I shouted until horfield looks from everyone in the room, and then we talk very long and since that we became BHEAF. She's kind popular and I'm just extraordinary girl that everybody know but didn't care. She's not a serious person just like me, we have a lot similarity but we have some difference too I mean if  two very exactly persons meet they'll start killing each other, I swear! And then there's my second angel he's my senior in elementary school, he's my brother's friend actually. He's kind crush to my just BFF since that we're kind close. He's cute if you observe him about 5 minute and he'll looks very little bit cute. My friends always make me close to him but I didn't like him (that time). His graduate and the we're go to a different school. We always chatting and mentioning each other. Everytime I read new text from him I always smile. My girl BHEAF said he was my guardian angel and he is at least used to be. Now we're never chattong or texting. He's gone, he's not my guardian angel anymore.Now he's close with a girl named blalalal wow how cool that name is hahaha. OMG I wrote very long story, I apologize for it. Why? everybody I loved is gone? It's so unfair, I hope here's charming prince come to me right now and say "I'm still here for you...." lol nah it wouldn't happen....except, in my dream so let's dream about him now what am I waiting for? Let's sleep. Bye guys thanks for listening I mean reading my story XOXO

22 January 2013


Hello guys, long time no see. How are you? I hope you're very find. How am I? very very not good! I was very busy at school so many test and things, aarrgh I miss my holiday. I mean we spend our weekdays for job, school, studies, and some stressful activies and we just got 2 holidays every week? Well as a prove I didn't open my computer or laptop until now. I'm so very extraordinary busy. I even still paint my project for art class, and btw do you know that russian blue is look like purple? okay I'm sorry let's get back to the point. So the important thing is we should FOLLOW the flow, how? So, you should do REST+WORK+SOCIAL LIFE= GREAT DAY. I even didn't have so much time to do social life so I can have some extra time to rest and studies. And because I'm so busy I don't have any time for next photo shoot for this blog, I promice will do my photo shoot SOON. So, that is my tips for today now I will paint my project. Bye

15 January 2013


Fashion suggest for new year? Well, I suggest you to do colour blocking, min 2 colour and max 4 colour because if you wear 5 or more colour in your clothes you will look like a walking rainbow. lol. So you can see the picture I've made in bellow. In the picture there's 4 colour in the clothes. Because the clothes are kind a vintage girly, so  I choose edgy accesories to look cool vintage rock girl.


01 January 2013

Happy New Year !!!

Happy new year guys !! I hope your resolution will complete in this 2013 year... Don't think to much, just thanks to god and enjoy your life !! Have so much fun in your life because we're not gonna live forever !!!