22 January 2013


Hello guys, long time no see. How are you? I hope you're very find. How am I? very very not good! I was very busy at school so many test and things, aarrgh I miss my holiday. I mean we spend our weekdays for job, school, studies, and some stressful activies and we just got 2 holidays every week? Well as a prove I didn't open my computer or laptop until now. I'm so very extraordinary busy. I even still paint my project for art class, and btw do you know that russian blue is look like purple? okay I'm sorry let's get back to the point. So the important thing is we should FOLLOW the flow, how? So, you should do REST+WORK+SOCIAL LIFE= GREAT DAY. I even didn't have so much time to do social life so I can have some extra time to rest and studies. And because I'm so busy I don't have any time for next photo shoot for this blog, I promice will do my photo shoot SOON. So, that is my tips for today now I will paint my project. Bye

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