16 February 2013

JUST Friend or The CRUSH ?

Still remember Mr.WOW and Mr.Humble ? no? read my last post if you forget :)  So, since Mr.WOW show up, Mr.Humble never do tennis practice anymore. One day Mr.Humble came to the practice, but in that day Mr.WOW didn't come. It's like if Mr.WOW come Mr.Humble not, and the opposite. Well, if I have to choose, I'm gonna choose Mr.Humble because his a friend that I can talk to and beside that, his gonna be the main character, in "bestfriend love bestfriend" part. How about Mr.WOW ? Let's see... hmmm our longest conversation is about 10 second :)

06 February 2013

My New Extra Mega Ultra Combo Sexy Crush

Did I ever told you about my new crush ? no? okay. So, I got a crush on somebody he's so really extra mega ultra alpha combo fucking HOT !! Let's call him Mr.WOW because he is extremely wow. I met him in my tennis club, He got muscle in his hand and feet so damn SEXY ! But, Y there's always but in this crush conversation? So get back to but not butt, BUT ! He's got a girlfriend aarrgghh so suck! Y can I just point at someone, said his mine, and then every girl back off. In my tennis club I have my own gang the members are me, my brother, and my brother's friend (call him Mr. Humble). Every tennis practice we always hanging out together, I really rare do a girl talk there, wait the minute I even never do a girl talk there. We made the gang very long time ago before The Mr.WOW came. And then one day Mr. WOW came with his mohawk hair, after that I kind a know his face from somewhere, I tried to remembered and the YEEEESS I know !! his my senior I ever fight with his and I mean the real fight you know punch kick and everything. Mr. Humble was greeted Mr. WOW, he know him?  But I can saw in their eyes that they didn't like each other, at first I just assume Mr. WOW as somebody that I know. And then things start change when he smile at me, my heart just skips a beat very fast when I his eyes that sparkling like a glitter, his white and nice teeth, his warm sexy smile EXTRA COMBO WOW ! I crush him stay back girl his mine. In that time I didn't know that he has a girlfriend. It turns out our gym class in our school is on the same time, and then I asked his name to my friend after that one of my friend said that he has a girlfriend turns out his girlfriend is one of my nice friend Y Y Y?! She's so cute she got long eyelashes  Damn it I'm so jealous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!